The Student Art Contest

Since the initial issues of The Baum Bugle in 1957, the Oz Club has used the famous art by Denslow and Neill to illustrate its publications. One of Neill’s successors, Dick Martin, was a major figure in the early days of the Oz Club, and contributed many original covers and art for The Baum Bugle until his death in 1989. Together, these men’s work is iconic for many Oz fans born in the 20th century – and particularly, for our older Club members.

As we approach 2018, however, those of us in charge of the Oz Club’s publications see a need for a modern, fresh take on these beloved characters. The world has changed; most little girls don’t run around in dresses and Mary Jane shoes; little boys don’t wear sailor suits. People should not only be represented with Caucasian skin tones. Our modern world is rich in diversity, and we feel our publications should reflect that.

The Student Art Contest is a challenge for young people of the 21st century to create their own interpretations of Oz. We are looking for one talented young student artist (aged 16 – 23) to design new character interpretations that will serve as line art in our publications.

The Grand Prize winner will receive $150 and work with editors to expand their entry for use in The Baum Bugle and/or The Oz Gazette. (All rights remain with the artist, but acceptance of prize money gives the International Wizard of Oz Club permission to print in 2018 issues of their publications. Runners-up may also be considered for a secondary or tertiary prize.)

Here’s how the contest works:

1. Under the “Characters” drop-down menu, you will find pages with descriptions of 20 favorite Oz characters, taken straight from the books. (There are also links to past artists’ interpretations, should you want to see them – but feel free to ignore them completely.)

2. Choose 4 or 5 characters you like and draw your own versions! They should be either individual or paired characters, preferably in simple “action poses” for flexible use in our magazines (characters could be shown reading, typing, dancing, picking flowers, etc.).

3. Remember that we publish in black-and-white, so avoid complex coloring or shading. No backgrounds. Most art we use illustrates articles and features, often as part of a title header (news, book reviews, stage and screen reviews, historical research, convention reports, etc.).

4. Please avoid anything too grim. No zombies/gore/giant mecha. Characters don’t need to be cute, but they should be friendly.

5. Diversity and creativity is encouraged!

6. Submit your finished piece(s) in PDF format to

7. Deadline has been extended to February 10, 2018. Entries will be judged by Eisner award-winning writer/artist Eric Shanower (Age of Bronze, Marvel’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland), Sarah Crotzer (incoming editor of The Baum Bugle), Nick Campbell (incoming editor of The Oz Gazette), and Jane Albright (President of the International Wizard of Oz Club).

Good luck – we can’t wait to see your work!