Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant


From Kabumpo in Oz (1921):

Few royal families could boast of so royal and elegant an elephant! He was huge and gray. On his head he wore jeweled bands and a jeweled court robe billowed out majestically as he walked. His little eyes twinkled merrily and his big ears flapped so sociably, that just to look at him put one in a good humor. Kabumpo was the only elephant in Pumperdink, or in any Kingdom near Pumperdink, so no wonder he was a prime favorite at Court. He had been given to the King at Pompa’s christening by a friendly stranger and since then had enjoyed every luxury and advantage. He was not only treated as a member of the royal family, but was always addressed as Sir by all of the palace servants.

Images (spoilers – click only if you want to see):

How John R. Neill drew Kabumpo:  1  2  3  4

How Dick Martin drew Kabumpo:  1  2


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